Route and Jeppesen charts EDDB (BERLIN BRANDENBURG) - LEMD (ADOLFO SUAREZ MADRID-BARAJAS) for WoaPlanner #6987


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# Waypoint Distance Airway
1LOGDO46 nm-
2ODLUN22 nmZ117
3ORTAG35 nmZ117
4MIPSI34 nmZ117
5BAMKI11 nmZ117
6VAGAB13 nmZ94
7RATIP27 nmY231
8ALAXA19 nmY231
9AMOSA14 nmY231
10ODEGU8 nmN869
11LETKU5 nmN869
12DINKU9 nmN869
13DKB7 nmN869
14GUPIN24 nmN869
15ETAGO14 nmN869
16TEDGO10 nmN869
17NATOR46 nmN869
18OLBEN59 nmN869
19LUTIX13 nmN869
20BENOT10 nmN869
21NEMOS14 nmN869
22VEROX17 nmN869
23MILPA38 nmN869
24NINTU16 nmN869
25MEBAK46 nmUN869
26REPSI19 nmUN869
27MOKDI57 nm-
28SOVET77 nm-
29GONUP60 nm-
30TIVLI65 nm-
31XOMBO28 nmUN869
32ELSAP22 nmUN869
33ZAR23 nmUN869
34KONKE50 nmUZ245
35TERSA24 nmUZ245

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