Route and Jeppesen charts EDDB (BERLIN BRANDENBURG) - UUDD (DOMODEDOVO) for WoaPlanner #104993


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1GERGA24 nm-
2ABSAG14 nmY218
3ALUKA6 nmY218
4TUPUR56 nmL29
5PEPOX29 nmL29
6TADAK10 nmL29
7GRUDA69 nmL29
8OSKUD36 nmN858
9TUROL27 nmN858
10BARGU27 nmN858
11OTRIV34 nmN858
12BOKSU31 nmN858
13ABEZE29 nmN858
14IRKAL12 nmN858
15LAFAT58 nmN858
16INKUZ16 nmN858
17RAMBE42 nmN858
18BATNA118 nmN168
19OLDAP27 nmN168
20OKRIL34 nmN168
21LIVDA53 nmN168
22NAVUG22 nmN168
23MINMA11 nmN168
24BILRU15 nmN168

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