Route and Jeppesen charts EGLL (HEATHROW) - EDDB (BERLIN BRANDENBURG) for WoaPlanner #450


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1BPK21 nm-
2TOTRI11 nmQ295
3MATCH2 nmQ295
4BRAIN15 nmQ295
5GASBA6 nmM197
6RATLO33 nmM197
7REDFA30 nmM197
8TACHA29 nmL620
9TULIP23 nmL620
10BASNO26 nmL620
11PAM19 nmL620
12NYKER17 nmL620
13ELPAT16 nmL620
14ARNEM5 nmL620
15SONEB25 nmL620
16OLDOD10 nmL620
17SUVOX2 nmL620
18OSN45 nmZ718
19MOBSA6 nmL980
20ROBEG30 nmL980
21SAS22 nmL980
22HLZ34 nmL980
23BATEL15 nmP12
24BAPOV36 nmT207
25SIRLU5 nmT207
26OGBER18 nmT207

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