Route and Jeppesen charts HEBL (ABU SIMBEL) - DNCA (MARGARET EKPO) for WoaPlanner #112028


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1SML1 nm-
2NUBAR21 nmA727
3LAMAB256 nmN320
4TAVNA45 nmN320
5SOGIN91 nmM863
6ASKOL201 nmM863
7KITOB65 nmM863
8IPONO36 nmUM863
9KOBLA126 nmUQ589
10NAPEN85 nmUQ589
11KOBNI41 nmUQ589
12IKREV71 nmUQ589
13GASPI35 nmUQ589
14GAKEN52 nmUQ589
15ENERI66 nmUQ589
16VOSLI19 nmUW605
17ISDET21 nmUQ589
18OPDAP90 nmUW605
19TJR29 nmUQ589
20GATAG35 nmUA861
21MOBDA34 nmUQ589
22AKMOX132 nmUQ589
23NEMSA21 nmUQ589
24AKLIS59 nmUQ589
25OBUDU54 nmUA604

Latest routes


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