Route and Jeppesen charts KBWI (BALTIMORE/WASHINGTON INTL) - KMSP (MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL INTL/WOLD-) for WoaPlanner #112059


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1MCRAY59 nm-
2LEJOY77 nmQ178
3AVERE35 nmQ178
4KODIE15 nmQ178
5KOZAR13 nmQ178
6LIVER8 nmQ178
7LEPEW21 nmQ178
8SRPEN24 nmQ178
9DJB30 nmQ178
10RIEKE16 nmJ34
11WOOST17 nmJ34
12CRL36 nmJ34
13ALPHE52 nmJ34
14HASTE32 nmJ34
15VIO16 nmJ34
16ADALE23 nmJ34
17BAE101 nmJ34

Latest routes


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