Route and Jeppesen charts KSFO (SAN FRANCISCO INTL) - KBOS (LOGAN INTL) for WoaPlanner #3363


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1MOGEE63 nm-
2MACUS152 nmQ122
3MCORD40 nmQ122
4LCU202 nmQ122
5BEARR61 nmQ122
6KURSE330 nmQ122
7ONL289 nmQ122
8GOOLD178 nmJ148
9MCW61 nmJ148
10SABBO95 nmJ16
11SIBER34 nmJ16
12DUTYS46 nmJ16
13BAE46 nmJ36
14DABJU88 nmJ68
15FNT111 nmJ36
16CFSMW59 nmQ818
17TANKO1 nmQ818
18KITOK20 nmQ818
19DERLO36 nmQ818
20IKNAV93 nmQ818
21CFTBR0 nmQ818
22WOZEE10 nmQ818
23HANKK69 nmQ935
24JOSSY4 nmQ935
25AUDIL26 nmQ935
26FABEN21 nmQ935
27PONCT94 nmQ935

Latest routes


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