Route and Jeppesen charts KSFO (SAN FRANCISCO INTL) - KIAD (WASHINGTON DULLES INTL) for WoaPlanner #112040


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1SYRAH64 nm-
2JSICA183 nmQ128
3TABLL193 nmQ128
4EDLES152 nmQ128
5FLOOD229 nmQ128
6PUB31 nmJ28
7HLC205 nmJ64
8SLOWR125 nmJ80
9CATTS63 nmJ80
10MCI66 nmJ80
11DRIVL54 nmJ24
12WELTS84 nmJ24
13STL61 nmJ24
14JIGSY63 nmQ176
15CAROL6 nmQ176
16JUDDI118 nmQ176
17GBEES59 nmQ176
18FLM40 nmJ134
19HVQ121 nmJ24

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