Route and Jeppesen charts LCLK (LARNACA INTL) - URMO (BESLAN) for WoaPlanner #111999


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1RUDER24 nm-
2BAPAX44 nmM13
3VESAR14 nmL620
4EVKIT24 nmUB545
5INPOR30 nmUT284
6UDVET119 nmUT284
7SIV108 nmUT284
8ASVOD35 nmUW706
9ODALI30 nmUW706
10GULRA6 nmUW706
11SEHER15 nmUW706
12BAMLA17 nmUW706
13TBN45 nmUW706
14ODZOL19 nmUG67
15ATPUM9 nmUN37
16ZUBRE1 nmUG67
17IFEMU35 nmUN37
18LAFNE6 nmUG67
19SARPI9 nmUN37
20LU8 nmN37
21ODILI22 nmN37
22BARUS35 nmN37
23DF77 nmN11
24TAVSA37 nmN82
25LAPTO8 nmN82
26OKRAR31 nmN82
27TAFIK16 nmN82

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