Route and Jeppesen charts LGAV (ELEFTHERIOS VENIZELOS INTL) - EDDB (BERLIN BRANDENBURG) for WoaPlanner #112018


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1ROPOX16 nm-
2SIGFO46 nmUM749
3SKP14 nmUM749
4BAMOS7 nmUL617
5AGISA28 nmUL617
6AMSIV11 nmUL617
7LEKPO12 nmUL617
8TSL22 nmUL617
9MAKED45 nmUL617
10LONTA79 nm-
11UDVAR59 nmUM749
12NANER53 nm-
13BABIT137 nm-
14SVR63 nm-
15BEGLA72 nm-
16NAVTI67 nm-
17BODAL44 nm-
18BEFRE97 nm-
19IVDUF18 nmT204
20ABLOX9 nmT204
21NUKRO40 nmT204

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