Route and Jeppesen charts LTBA (ATATURK INTL) - LGIR (NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS) for WoaPlanner #2513


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1BIG78 nm-
2RAUMA18 nmUG80
3LEDLO4 nmUG80
4KONEN6 nmUG80
5DUGLA18 nmUG80
6BERGO30 nmUG80
7IMR41 nmUG80
8REDRA30 nmUR32
9NISOS6 nmUR32
10IKARO5 nmUR32
11ERIMA11 nmUR32
12RIGRO15 nmUR32
13LETSO13 nmUR32
14RIPLI17 nmUR32
15NITSA5 nmUJ62
16IRBEG22 nmUJ62
17SNI25 nmUJ62
18GIVIS16 nmUJ62
19XAVIS26 nmUT514

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