Route and Jeppesen charts LTBA (ATATURK INTL) - URMM (MINERALNYYE VODY) for WoaPlanner #100533


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1NUGBA91 nm-
2VEMAG21 nmUN644
3NAPIP28 nmUN644
4LUUPU23 nmUN644
5ADUMU38 nmUN644
6GAKSU33 nmUN644
7RUVOM26 nmUN743
8ODIRA114 nmUN743
9DEMED42 nmG487
10KEPOL8 nmG487
11DIRUN8 nmG487
12UNAMI28 nmG487
13LAMET14 nmG487
14PROZR29 nmG487
15BINOL19 nmG487
16GUBOR28 nmG487
17ERSAR36 nmG487
18ABELA48 nmB967

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