Route and Jeppesen charts LXGB (GIBRALTAR) - EDDF (FRANKFURT/MAIN) for WoaPlanner #7483


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# Waypoint Distance Airway
1PIMOS22 nm-
2MGA47 nmUM985
3BLN87 nmUN869
4ANZAN54 nmUL27
5NASOS25 nmUL27
6INTAX12 nmUL27
7CJN50 nmUL27
8BRITO47 nmUL27
9YAKXU72 nmUL27
10RONNY25 nmUN871
11TOPTU36 nmUN871
12BUROX80 nm-
13DITEV87 nm-
14NINUN33 nm-
15MEZIN30 nmUN871
16LATAM2 nmUN871
17OTROT9 nmUN871
18ETREK9 nmUN871
19LUXAN23 nmUN871
20ARKOX8 nmUN871
21LTP6 nmUN871
22GIPNO5 nmUN871
23NAVLA8 nmUN871
24SOPLO4 nmUN871
25OMASI14 nmUN871
26KINNI14 nmN871
27MOLUS28 nmN871
28SOSAL10 nmN871
29TELNO20 nmN871
30KORED7 nmN871
31KONOL13 nmN871
32BERSU13 nmN871
33SONOM55 nm-
34LADOL23 nmT163
35EMPAX17 nmT163

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