Route and Jeppesen charts MUHA (JOSE MARTI INTL) - MMMX (BENITO JUAREZ INTL) for WoaPlanner #102715


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1MUPKI148 nm-
2MENRO28 nmUR522
3ALURU24 nmUR522
4XOPGI30 nmUR522
5XORAR44 nmUR522
6LERUV17 nmUR522
7MUXOG26 nmUR522
8PUVAR55 nmUR522
9OMVOM5 nmUR522
10MESNA28 nmUT31
11MARUS50 nmUT31
12HALOT16 nmUR522
13DUPAS23 nmUT31
14MUNDA37 nmUR522
15NOSOS66 nmUT31
16AXOMU105 nmUR522
17NUBEL16 nmUT31
18URLIX12 nmUM580
19RIBET43 nmUM580
20VOKIR40 nmUT101
21UMAVO55 nmUT101
22ENAGA22 nmUT101

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