Route and Jeppesen charts RPLL (NINOY AQUINO INTL) - WMSA (SULTAN ABDUL AZIZ SHAH) for WoaPlanner #112046


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1BETEL52 nm-
2EXORA18 nmM765
3REKEL74 nmM765
4NOBEN124 nmM765
5PANDI175 nmM765
6ALDAS113 nmM765
7MAPNO118 nmM765
8SAMAP69 nmM765
9DAGAG51 nmM765
10CN116 nmM765
11VIGEN86 nmM765
12BITOD86 nmM765
13IGARI37 nmM765
14IKUKO73 nmR208
15VKR24 nmR208
16LASOB24 nmY346
17LATER17 nmY346
18PULIP85 nmY346

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