Route and Jeppesen charts SCTE (EL TEPUAL INTL) - SLVR (VIRU VIRU INTL) for WoaPlanner #112016


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1CALBU25 nm-
2TONAR32 nmUM658
3MOCHO190 nm-
4VUGDU111 nmUW44
5MLG60 nmUW44
6KOTNI76 nmUW44
7ESITO24 nmUW44
8MUMAT45 nmUZ108
9ROGOD40 nmUZ108
10OGNOP75 nmUZ108
11GILSA50 nmUZ108
12LAR80 nmUW3
13SORTI123 nmUZ108
14TUC54 nmUW3
15PONPI66 nmUW5
16SAL54 nmUN525
17ESOKA117 nmUL322
18GAXOK46 nmUL322
19ESMUR53 nmUL322
20PALIV95 nmUL322
21IRESU57 nmUL322
22VIR80 nmUL322

Latest routes


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