Route and Jeppesen charts UAAA (ALMATY) - UWKD (KAZAN) for WoaPlanner #111973


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1TUKTO63 nm-
2DESER51 nmZ583
3MALOD27 nmZ583
4ABMIK45 nmZ583
5TOGDI102 nmZ583
6AZORI56 nmZ583
7TUSEP220 nmZ583
8KST233 nmN126
9LODEZ38 nmL994
10TITUR48 nmL994
11GOBES42 nmN985
12OLMAD28 nmN985
13LANUD33 nmN985
14NINRA46 nmN985
15NOGBA29 nmN985
16RG18 nmN985
17DAFOR9 nmN985
18LUNIN14 nmN985
19RELNU14 nmN985
20TILMU23 nmN985
21IPMAS19 nmN985
22UNBUS13 nmN985
23ATKAM18 nmN985
24LEKBO61 nmN985
25ORTIM36 nmN985

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