Route and Jeppesen charts UDYZ (ZVARTNOTS) - USSS (KOLTSOVO) for WoaPlanner #6399


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1SEVAN34 nm-
2MATAL28 nmT916
3SUBUT60 nmT916
4POLAD9 nmN996
5GIPAR29 nmN996
6NESAD61 nmA80
7AGATO15 nmA80
8PIKAN56 nmA80
9AKT90 nmN996
10AGILA67 nmN996
11GARDU50 nmN996
12OTMAS37 nmN996
13LEPSI63 nmN996
14EPOLI29 nmN996
15KODUM39 nmN996
16BILGA46 nmZ210
17KURUL19 nmZ210
18BOLGO63 nmZ210
19AKB40 nmZ210
20SANIR38 nmL992
21EKMEN28 nmL992
22KUPOM42 nmL992
23BANAK35 nmL992
24MGR51 nmL992
25ETREL38 nmL992
26IDNOS44 nmL992
27LANTO30 nmL992
28IMANA10 nmL992
29NEBIS32 nmL992

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