Route and Jeppesen charts UERR (MIRNY) - UUDD (DOMODEDOVO) for WoaPlanner #111967


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1UNLIP37 nm-
2MOKIT157 nmG356
3OKONI90 nmT541
4TURMA103 nmT541
5RALON166 nmT541
6NOGLO148 nmT541
7VEREL10 nmT541
8SONKA105 nmT541
9TARSA153 nmT541
10SORIB20 nmT541
11ARLIP123 nmT541
12NENUS58 nmT541
13VIPRA88 nmT541
14ODNOR28 nmT541
15BEBIR16 nmT541
16BETIG16 nmT541
17KEDOR126 nmT541
18GOGAT36 nmN174
19BAGRA95 nmN174
20SOGTE41 nmN174
21NIPSI14 nmN174
22UGBAT39 nmN174
23TISRU17 nmN174
24SONIB25 nmN174
25RATUN43 nmN174
26BITBA34 nmN174
27IBREL7 nmN174
28DIEZA57 nmN174
29RESTA27 nmN174
30ALZOS42 nmN174
31POZIP10 nmN174
32DORAK11 nmN174
33MIGRI96 nmN174
34GOBOM60 nmN155
35MATUB57 nmT187
36ROMTA40 nmT187

Latest routes


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