Route and Jeppesen charts ULAA (TALAGI) - HEGN (HURGHADA INTL) for WoaPlanner #111983


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1ABELU54 nm-
2RUPAD18 nmT825
3GISUS98 nmT825
4KEPZO8 nmT825
5ADLIN32 nmT825
6OLIRU59 nmT825
7INSOK27 nmT825
8GOPIL6 nmT825
9UREPI24 nmT825
10ADIMU25 nmP65
11ARKON10 nmP65
12AMEGO51 nmP65
13ADUSI21 nmP65
14ROMTA21 nmP65
15ELMOD69 nmP65
16BULAT23 nmL4
17UPERI17 nmL4
18PIKID40 nmL4
19LODKU13 nmL4
20LINRU9 nmL4
21EKTUT37 nmL4
22GIGDO82 nmN72
23ABMOM11 nmN72
24RONUM7 nmN72
25UMSIS27 nmN72
26RUBLU39 nmN166
27ALUGU15 nmN166
28RUNUD50 nmN166
29ARKOK26 nmN166
30GOTIL15 nmN166
31INDUL27 nmN166
32ANAGI28 nmN166
33ABLOG39 nmN166
34OGURA40 nmN166
35SUDIR46 nmN166
36ND36 nmN166
37LENIR22 nmN166
38ROPTA31 nmN166
39ADNET32 nmN166
40EMGER25 nmN166
41PROZR23 nmN166
42TABAN29 nmN166
43OGMOS27 nmN166
44TUDEK27 nmN166
45FALAZ20 nmUR114
46ATVAM12 nmUR114
47NIVAX9 nmUR114
48TBN30 nmUR114
49PIXAP29 nmUW88
50SONAD5 nmUW88
51BALON19 nmUW88
52ORHAN8 nmUW88
53ERN14 nmUW88
54KONUK12 nmUW88
55ETESU23 nmUW88
56ERTEK11 nmUW88
57EZS15 nmUW88
58ERGAN14 nmUW701
59OKUDU0 nmUW701
60ASKER17 nmUW701
61RASVA59 nmUW701
62FIRAT27 nmUW701
63GAZ14 nmUW701
64KIVZE15 nmUB36
65TUSYR3 nmB36
66GOLF15 nmB544
67ALE14 nmB544
68KILO11 nmQ538
69KTN106 nmQ538
70BASEM43 nmR785
71ABBAS8 nmR785
72ZELAF32 nmR785
73ORNAL11 nmUM690
74KODER18 nmUM690
75DESLI54 nmUM690
76ELOXI18 nmUM690
77KULDI19 nmUM690
78MUNRA35 nmUM690
79LONOL50 nmUM690
80SESMO38 nmUM690
81ULINA15 nmM319
82NWB27 nmM690
83DELNA31 nmR650
84SHM31 nmR650
85IMLUX34 nmR650

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