Route and Jeppesen charts ULLI (PULKOVO) - OTHH (HAMAD INTL) for WoaPlanner #109133


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# Waypoint Distance Airway
1SUGIN58 nm-
2VUZPU51 nmT873
3NIRGI59 nmT873
4PINOK32 nmT873
5LALUD67 nmT873
6TOKNU25 nmT873
7IRDEK28 nmL4
8ELMOD10 nmL4
9BULAT23 nmL4
10UPERI17 nmL4
11PIKID40 nmL4
12LODKU13 nmL4
13LINRU9 nmL4
14OSPER59 nmT614
15NIBOK64 nmT828
16DISKI29 nmT828
17TEDMO10 nmT828
18PETUK8 nmT828
19OTVUT10 nmT828
20RITUN6 nmT828
21OLBEG10 nmT828
22NIBIM43 nmT828
23AMDEL44 nmM54
24MOR99 nmM54
25RUGOT33 nmM54
26OKNOS48 nmM54
27USEMA19 nmM54
28BEMIT37 nmM54
29NOSAK38 nmM54
30DIMOB26 nmM54
31ALZIT18 nmM54
32LARIN8 nmM54
33MNW21 nmM54
34MOZAT30 nmM54
35NAMOD20 nmM54
36GUSLI28 nmM54
37LAGAS91 nmM54
38TAVRO25 nmM54
39SEVAN44 nmM54
40ADILA40 nmM54
41ADANO25 nmN82
42MAGRI52 nmN77
43DARUN25 nmR654
44GODNA16 nmR654
45BUDED33 nmR654
46DAMOS33 nmR654
47ZAJ48 nmR654
48TULGU25 nmR654
49SAV119 nmR654
50EGVEL19 nmR654
51PEKAM78 nmR654
52IMRAG39 nmP574
53EGPAT19 nmP574
54LOXAK51 nmP574
55OBTUX23 nmP574
56ASNIT45 nmP574
57SYZ69 nmP574
58LAGSA60 nmR659
59KATAG9 nmR659
60DURSI72 nmR659
61KAVAM14 nmM701
62MIDSI16 nmM701
63SOGAN2 nmR659
64ROSAN7 nmR659
65BOPOV7 nmR659
66RABLA9 nmR659
67ITUMA5 nmR659
68VEDED4 nmR659

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