Route and Jeppesen charts ULLI (PULKOVO) - VIDP (INDIRA GANDHI INTL) for WoaPlanner #112047


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# Waypoint Distance Airway
1SUGIN58 nm-
2VUZPU51 nmT873
3NIRGI59 nmT873
4DESUD46 nmT73
5IBOGI19 nmP164
6GAKLU54 nmP164
7NENEL77 nmP164
8ROKUR41 nmP164
9ADMUL42 nmT784
10IBROT17 nmT784
11LARNO25 nmT784
12OTKOL24 nmT784
13OKSUD37 nmT787
14OKMID63 nmT778
15TERDI41 nmT778
16RUBEK76 nmT778
17MOF49 nmT778
18RULEM44 nmM161
19NITOD6 nmM161
20TIPKO9 nmM161
21DENUD36 nmM161
22GUTAN17 nmM161
23OGAPI16 nmM161
24URL21 nmM161
25EDAKO43 nmM161
26GERLI73 nmM161
27AGMAN66 nmM161
28KURUL27 nmM161
29UGLUK14 nmM161
30LOGTO13 nmM161
31UDATO78 nmM161
32ARKER28 nmM161
33ABDUN91 nmM161
34MILSO65 nmM161
35TIGTA130 nmM875
36VADOD76 nmM875
37ODIDI72 nmM875
38INDUD197 nmM875
39REBKE42 nmM875
40AMDAR56 nmM875
41KHOLM33 nmM875
42DOSHI76 nmM875
43TAPIS73 nmM875
44GIDOG44 nmL509
45LAJAK31 nmL509
46HANGU36 nmL509
47NONIB42 nmL509
48INDEK84 nmL509
49SULOM107 nmL509
50ASARI44 nmA466
51MUPID72 nmJ24

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