Route and Jeppesen charts UMMS (MINSK-2) - UWKD (KAZAN) for WoaPlanner #220


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1AGNEF45 nm-
2LAPKI26 nmN869
3RATIN59 nmL999
4AMKUK16 nmL999
5BAPRO68 nmL999
6AGLAN39 nmL999
7GIDLI23 nmM864
8DIPOP27 nmM864
9ELMOD49 nmM864
10OGDAT15 nmM864
11TEKBO63 nmM864
12EKPIR5 nmM864
13NENVA32 nmM864
14IBROT60 nmM864
15DOGOB27 nmM864
16INKEB44 nmM864
17MISMU11 nmL94
18LOGBI4 nmL94
19NAMER46 nmL94
20ASREG24 nmL94
21UNORO22 nmL94
22KOROM24 nmT788

Latest routes


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