Route and Jeppesen charts UNOO (TSENTRALNY) - UUEE (SHEREMETYEVO) for WoaPlanner #1866


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1MATIL24 nm-
2OSMIK54 nmA231
3PEMAG67 nmA231
4ABALI39 nmL158
5ARLAD56 nmL158
6OSGAN32 nmL158
7BAKUD23 nmL158
8BEKAT8 nmL158
9GINUR20 nmL158
10UTABI29 nmL158
11SISPO47 nmL158
12BEDOT52 nmL158
13LANTO14 nmL158
14ARTEB54 nmL158
15LAGES33 nmL158
16UBIRA65 nmL158
17DEGEB16 nmL158
18MEBOG24 nmL158
19ERASA23 nmL158
20LAPLO23 nmL158
21BAKAP54 nmL158
22ORTIM39 nmL158
23GUBOM20 nmL158
24APTAR28 nmL158
25NIDUB49 nmL158
26IRGOS24 nmL158
27KOKAD50 nmL158
28ANEBU49 nmL158
29URIDU58 nmL158
30ARLUM39 nmL158
31DIMGI27 nmL158

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