Route and Jeppesen charts USDD (SALEKHARD) - UTDL (KHUJAND) for WoaPlanner #112005


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# Waypoint Distance Airway
1DIPAR26 nm-
2PENIG25 nmN167
3KUGET28 nmN167
4PIKOK22 nmN167
5MONAR45 nmN167
6BEBIR16 nmN167
7ATKOR16 nmN167
8NETLU70 nmN167
9ABELO32 nmN167
10GITIR45 nmN167
11NODRA44 nmN167
12PIGUR20 nmN167
13LARUS22 nmN167
14KOVUD16 nmN167
15MAPUN52 nmN167
16ALAGI34 nmN167
17DELEN27 nmN167
18TINRI27 nmN167
19MALIB31 nmN167
20NIBOD13 nmN167
21BEBLU108 nmN167
22BAVAG88 nmT522
23LATKO53 nmT522
24ARK126 nmT522
25EDETO21 nmW332
26BEDOR94 nmW332
27DZG43 nmM168
28BURIK43 nmM168
29ELSEB27 nmM168
30BETPU34 nmM168
31REMOL91 nmM168
32TIMKA18 nmM168
33GOBOR30 nmM168
34GENDI20 nmM168
35LARBA30 nmZ632
36ARSUL25 nmZ632
37ODORI26 nmZ578
38DODUR36 nmZ578
39LANOL12 nmZ578
40DILRO49 nmA237

Latest routes


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