Route and Jeppesen charts USSS (KOLTSOVO) - UMKK (KHRABROVO) for WoaPlanner #597


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1LUNAG57 nm-
2GOKLI36 nmN170
3PENUS22 nmN170
4DIDRO9 nmT762
5PER49 nmT762
6GANPO5 nmT762
7GEBSI38 nmT762
8IRBOM31 nmM60
9BAPTA37 nmM60
10ODMAK20 nmP874
11DEMIB20 nmP874
12DIKIN29 nmP874
13KURUP9 nmP874
14UDREM25 nmP874
15LESOK22 nmP874
16BEMDA12 nmP874
17NESIP24 nmP874
18BAPUN53 nmP874
19IBREN138 nmN869
20TUNEG52 nmN869
21RANTO25 nmN869
22REKPA31 nmN869
23GAKLU23 nmN869
24INBUK28 nmN869
25IDLIT10 nmN869
26OSKAD9 nmN869
27LALUD11 nmN869
28GEMDI7 nmN869
29AMLIN4 nmN869
30USIDA9 nmN869
31STAPA16 nmN869
32INLAL17 nmN869
33DURTI59 nmN869
34SUPEK69 nmL29
35TEGLU18 nmL29
36LEGSI53 nmL29
37BENIM25 nmL29
38PODIL60 nmM997
39FONAS89 nmM997
40KRAKI39 nmM997

Latest routes


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