Route and Jeppesen charts UUDD (DOMODEDOVO) - UAAA (ALMATY) for WoaPlanner #190


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1TOGMO72 nm-
2UPLOP8 nmM56
3DOSAG33 nmM56
4ULKID33 nmM56
5DEDUG26 nmM56
6ABAGI34 nmM56
7PISAR44 nmM56
8NERIK25 nmM56
9TUTED19 nmM56
10ATMUK29 nmM56
11IDESU24 nmM56
12RORNA25 nmM56
13AKOBO18 nmM56
14LUTUL19 nmM56
15ODNAL40 nmM56
16NIBIR12 nmM56
17DENUD56 nmM56
18BEKAS41 nmM56
19SIVKO130 nmL163
20GEDSA333 nmL728
21SUBOL102 nmL147
22TIROK44 nmL147
23GISIR53 nmL147
24ATRUS7 nmL147
25TUTUL27 nmL147
26ELSEB11 nmL147
27OBAMA56 nmL147
28PABRI84 nmL147
29ALAKO150 nmT524
30BOBRO33 nmT524
31BEKRO45 nmT524

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