Route and Jeppesen charts UUEE (SHEREMETYEVO) - ULMK (KHIBINY) for WoaPlanner #100956


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1RILPO61 nm-
2RANTO48 nmT753
3DEGOP30 nmT753
4GOBOM28 nmT747
5ABLES24 nmT747
6BIKBA6 nmT747
7SIGFA18 nmT747
8TIPNA39 nmT747
9VEVUG7 nmT747
10ODEDA42 nmT747
11NIMRE27 nmT747
12ADLIN12 nmT747
13GIPEN43 nmT747
14PIGOM42 nmT747
15INDOS39 nmT747
16INLID9 nmT747
17BEBDA31 nmT747
18ODLON28 nmT747
19OTRIB18 nmT747
20TUTAG12 nmT747
21SORUT14 nmT747
22OBEGA14 nmT747
23OTLES57 nmT747
24MOVIT25 nmT747
25ARMAD46 nmT747

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