Route and Jeppesen charts ZPPP (CHANGSHUI) - VNLK () for WoaPlanner #112022


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1GULOT80 nm-
2MAKUL62 nmA599
3GMA72 nmA599
4LINSO28 nmA599
5LSO68 nmA599
6ANSOS238 nmA201
7TEBUL47 nmA201
8LLP13 nmW104
9POREG32 nmW82
10KKU35 nmW82
11VENUM25 nmJ31
12PUKON44 nmW53
13GGT35 nmW53
14DUKUM51 nmQ18
15PAGDA60 nmQ18
16OPIMO34 nmQ18
17BGD33 nmQ18
18METOM9 nmG348
19TUMLI62 nmG348

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