Route and Jeppesen charts UUWW (VNUKOVO) - LCLK (LARNACA INTL) for WoaPlanner #106040


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1SOTOG56 nm-
2DIVEK12 nmN181
3OBARO34 nmN181
4LIMPI18 nmN181
5BERUN34 nmN609
6MAKOD40 nmP29
7UMDAN50 nmP29
8OBIPO42 nmP29
9ROROL11 nmP29
10KUKID9 nmP29
11FORMA27 nmP29
12LECAD63 nmN978
13TOVPU22 nmN978
14DOTEL84 nmM614
15DIFOX17 nmM614
16BEFAZ18 nmM614
17RAPUL64 nmM614
18ETNIL55 nmM614
19DIGAM33 nmM614
20LAROM58 nmM856
21ROMOK51 nmM856
22RAKUR41 nmM856
23HAKAN66 nmUM856
24BAG101 nmUM856
25TELVO42 nmUA28
26ERKUK9 nmUA28
27OBRUK71 nmUA28
28MUT70 nmUA28
29UMDOT28 nmUA28
30NEKES13 nmUA28
31MERAM7 nmUA28
32DOREN6 nmUA28
33LCA65 nmN131
34AMAKO15 nmM601
35KOBER8 nmM601

Latest routes


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