Route and Jeppesen charts UMMS (MINSK-2) - UGSB (BATUMI) for WoaPlanner #110721


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1ARZIM48 nm-
2GOWDA41 nmZ736
3BORAT80 nmP987
4BRP86 nmP987
5TIMOS49 nmP987
6NIKIG18 nmP987
7AKULO52 nmP987
8OSLAN16 nmP987
9DOTEL40 nmP987
10TOKMU98 nmM991
11OLGIN75 nmM991
12PATUM33 nmG476
13RIDLA21 nmG476
14SORUL22 nmG476
15ANAKA22 nmG476
16DIBAT26 nmG476
17NALUD8 nmA277
18LIMAS24 nmA277
19ARKUT16 nmA277
20BAKRI11 nmA277
21LAMET48 nmA277
22KARAT40 nmB950
23OGMOS10 nmB143
24IDLER29 nmB143
25SOSED44 nm-

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