Route and Jeppesen charts UUEE (SHEREMETYEVO) - LKKV (KARLOVY VARY) for WoaPlanner #110731


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# Waypoint Distance Airway
1LIDRI64 nm-
2NEGMU16 nmT781
3ANEDU16 nmT781
4REPNU34 nmT781
5VEPIS94 nmN858
6LAPKI58 nmY219
7AGNEF26 nmN869
8MATUS56 nmN869
9OSMUS25 nmN869
10UGNAL66 nmN869
11GORAT43 nmN869
12BESOT37 nmN869
13BULEP21 nmN869
14ORBUZ39 nmN869
15MULZA31 nmN869
16KUKOP11 nmN869
17SOXER18 nmN869
18OTPOP14 nmN869
19VAMPU17 nmN869
20BAXIS10 nmN869
21UVIVI38 nmN869
22AGALU19 nmN869
23IXURO74 nmN869
24TOMTI10 nmN869
25LEGAZ25 nm-
26GOPSI47 nm-

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