Route and Jeppesen charts UUEE (SHEREMETYEVO) - URKK (PASHKOVSKIY) for WoaPlanner #2294


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1EMGAS92 nm-
2EKTUT48 nmT828
3GIGDO82 nmN72
4ABMOM11 nmN72
5RONUM7 nmN72
6UMSIS27 nmN72
7RUBLU39 nmN166
8ALUGU15 nmN166
9RUNUD50 nmN166
10ARKOK26 nmN166
11GOTIL15 nmN166
12GISID32 nmG534
13TEGPA24 nmL91
14DIBRO24 nmL91
15KL12 nmL91
16ROS24 nmA100
17AMEPU18 nmA100
18KISET50 nmW70
19TEMGI30 nmW70
20BALEG14 nmW70

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