Route and Jeppesen charts LTAI (ANTALYA INTL) - ULLI (PULKOVO) for WoaPlanner #3295


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# Waypoint Distance Airway
1EKNUD73 nm-
2OSVEL23 nmUT337
3RAVGO68 nmUL619
4YASEN108 nmUL619
5MAKOL60 nmUL619
6RORKI55 nmN600
7REVDA38 nmN600
8BADKA98 nm-
9TAVRU37 nmL130
10KIV57 nmZ888
11LUSAV15 nmZ888
12MURKA21 nmZ888
13LAVDA34 nmZ888
14NIROV50 nmN743
15BABSU43 nmN743
16LAPVA46 nmN743
17SORIK60 nmN743
18BABUN43 nmN743
19DAKWI55 nmN743
20DELON14 nmN743
21KOMAP30 nmN743
22AGNEF37 nmN743
23DAHRU20 nmN743
24LEGSI26 nmN743
25MOGRA46 nmN743
26AGMUT14 nmN743
27DITBI30 nmN743
28OKMIT51 nmT782
29BEPUT6 nmT782
30RODUK16 nmT782
31ASNIL9 nmT782
32KOLET49 nmT782

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