Route and Jeppesen charts UUWW (VNUKOVO) - UNNT (TOLMACHEVO) for WoaPlanner #2011


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1OLMUN82 nm-
2INLEN43 nmT629
3IPSIL65 nmT629
4LAMGU142 nmT830
5KODUG22 nmN604
6OGSIN37 nmN604
7GUGNI50 nmP983
8MADOB46 nmP983
9KUKOT21 nmP983
10DIGTU59 nmP983
11SUMOM25 nmP983
12IPRAT16 nmP983
13GANPO18 nmP983
14ULPAS69 nmP983
15ODMUR10 nmP983
16ABDIR74 nmP983
17ORTOD33 nmP983
18ATMEB18 nmP983
19GIBUL50 nmP983
20GINPA25 nmP983
21TINRI26 nmP983
22NAPOR27 nmT448
23LEBED25 nmT448
24RUBOR110 nmT448
25ML127 nmA300
26SZ157 nmR814
27GOLIM92 nmW1

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